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Must Farm in the News
The New Yorker: Footprints, Size 10, from Britain’s Bronze Age
BBC: Bronze Age houses uncovered in Cambridgeshire are Britain’s ‘Pompeii’
BBC: New finds at Bronze Age ‘Pompeii’ Must Farm quarry
BBC: Bronze Age wheel at ‘British Pompeii’ Must Farm an ‘unprecedented find’
BBC: ‘Britain’s Pompeii’ was ‘Bronze Age new build’ site
The Telegraph: Bronze Age settlement dubbed ‘Peterborough Pompeii’ due to amazing preservation
The Guardian: UK’s best bronze age site dig ends but analysis will continue for years
The Guardian: Perfectly preserved bronze age wheel unearthed in Cambridgeshire
The Guardian: Bronze age site in Cambridgeshire revealed by archaeologists
Daily Mail: Pompeii of the Fens’ is the best-preserved Bronze age home in Britain: Experts astonished by dwelling’s condition as they unearth treasures from 3,000-year-old rugs and jewellery to human remains
Daily Mail: Britain’s oldest WHEEL unearthed at ‘Pompeii of the Fens’ reveals clues about how the Bronze Age farmers travelled 3,000 years ago
The Independent: Must Farm excavations offer detailed glimpse of life in prehistoric Britain
Peterborough Telegraph: Dig ends as history-making Bronze Age finds revealed at Whittlesey’s Must Farm
New York Times: Archaeologists in England Tackle Mystery of Prehistoric Village’s Rapid Demise
Huffington Post: A Whole Bronze Age Wheel Has Been Unearthed At ‘Britain’s Pompeii’ In Must Farm
Financial Times: Archaeology: Bronze Age kept alight by fire in the fens
Science Magazine: Bronze Age inferno preserved an extraordinary view of life in the United Kingdom 3000 years ago
ITV: Britain’s version of Pompeii discovered in Cambridgeshire
Daily Mirror: UK’s oldest wheel made 3,000 years ago in Bronze Age found at ‘Britain’s Pompeii’
Daily Mirror: Amazing artefacts from ‘Britain’s Pompeii’ uncovered by archaeologists as they find wooden boxes, pots and animal bones
Apollo Magazine: Unearthing the secrets of East Anglia’s Bronze Age settlers
CNN: History made: In an astonishing Bronze Age discovery a 3000-year-old community has been unearthed
Wisbech Standard: Wild, local meat and fish; international accessories; the latest household goods and turf roofs: how we lived in Bronze Age Britain is revealed by finds at Must Farm Whittlesey
ABC News: Remarkable 3,000-Year-Old Community Dubbed the ‘British Pompeii’
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About old
The Must Farm Timber Platform Project is an ongoing project being carried out by the Cambridge University Archaeological Unit with funding from Historic England and Forterra.Dig Diaries
The excavation of the Must Farm settlement was carried out between August 2015 and August 2016. Take a look at our diary entries documenting the excavation process. more
Post-Ex Diaries
Our work on-site has finished but lots more investigation is taking place as we study both the material and the evidence we recovered. more
See some of the discoveries from the Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement.
Making Must Farm
Find out about our work with AncientCraft recreating Must Farm’s material.
Further information on the Must Farm project.